Hi, and welcome to my page! Check out details of experience, scroll trough pictures, find videosnippets of works or take contact for further questions! Anna Stenberg Helsinki, Espoo, Liljendal Finland
Photo Laura Malmivaara
Artistic work as performer in contemporary dance artworks, physical installations, improvisatorial dance performances, physical videoart, musical productions, theatre productions, touring. Also choreographical work, collaborations and teaching.
Education: Teatterikorkeakoulu, Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, Master’s degree programme in Dance Performance, incl. Additive studies in Music Theatre. Master degree 2019. Teatterikorkeakoulu, Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, Degree Programme in Dance BA. Bachelor degree 2017. Savonia University of Applied Sciences,Department of Music and Dance, programme of Dance Pedagogy, Majored in both Contemporary Dance and Jazz Dance. incl.Pedagogy Competence Certificate, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, JAMK. Bachelor degree 2014. University of Stavanger, Department of Music and Dance. Exchange studies August- December 2012. Västra Nylands Folkhögskola, preparatorial dancestudies, 2009-2010. Extra curricular activities: Supplementary member on the board of Tanssille ry, 2014-2015. (A non-profit organization established in 2001 by Finnish dance proffessionals in Helsinki, organizing morningclasses and workshops.) www.http://tanssille.net/ Languages:Swedish, Finnish, English. Basic skills in Norwegian and French. Drivers licence, B (car).